Monday, January 31, 2005

Month's end recap

Hard to believe that the first month of 2005 is practically over... Well actually it is over in some timezones, but it's still kicking strong here for a few more hours. It's been an amazing month I will tell you that much. I think there were more miles traveled in this month than ever previously experienced. Started out in the Mad mad city where the grass was green till it snowed and got all pretty... Then onward up to the 'North" to visit some friends and indulge in that grand group of great people known as the Northland Community - I miss you all... And with the blink of an eye that experience was over and it was out to many miles in the car with a whole new world waiting to be experienced. Some where in that mix Aladin flew in on his magical carpet, singing.... Well maybe not, I just thought it was funny I used the phrase "whole new world" in a sentance, I digress... Although exciting I think I can sustain having some low mileage days for a little while. The low down on Alaska thus far is that it is a pretty cool place. Think I am finally getting used to the time change, it being dark when I wake up and gaining five, FIVE minutes of sunlight a day. Pretty crazy... Granted there are myriads of miles more to be explored, but that may have to wait until additional funds arise and the free time fairy comes around. The good news is there is never a shortage of space to explore...

Another thing is I have been out of school for a really long time... Since December 17, 2004... Longest in school break I have sustained, and although last year I may have been all about it, I will say that I am looking forward to getting back in the classroom. I'll bust out the low down on Alaska Pacific University in the next episode... There is still a sustinence squall going on my digestive tract and I wouldn't want to expose a biased view on that account.... Stay tooned, or tuned its your choice.

Today was met with more of the same, but I got down into the gym to stimulate my anaerobic tastebuds and finished off the evening with some climbing... BOMBER facility, after people drop my label of NEU KID I will take some photos down there and post them, so you too can experience (visually) the slickness that is at our disposal. Northland could learn a thing or many from these folks...

Other than that, I think the previous posts should give a good representation of what's been happening. I have tried my hand with the photo posting, hope it doesn't seem confusing... To find photos you may have to do a little searching, just look for a post with a PS in front of the title. Usually they are listed after the regular post for that day. If it's an issue, let me know. As always feel free to drop me a line anytime. Would love to hear from you, what's been going on in your world, your plans, aspirations, and favourite geology feature...

I hope the ground hog doesn't see it's shadow in your neck of the woods, if your into that, and for others I hope it does.. It'd had better come out of hibernation and see it here, cause we need some more winter in this region...

May your feet carry you well on your journey...

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