Saturday, February 12, 2005

Photo Pholly

Cold...Damn Cold.

Earlier in the week I saw an advertisement tackied up on the wall for a "Photo clinic" at the zoo, which entailed photographing, real, live animals. I figured, what the hey, expecting to be released into the Polar Bear tank, my assistent covered in salmon slurry and get those shots I've always dreamed of. However that was not to be the case, as upon arrival we were informed that the animals of the day (what are we on Sesame Street?) were Musk Ox and Moose... Exciting, let me tell you....

Ok, really I don't have a problem, each and every animal deserves to be treated with the same respect, decency, equal opportunity to live in a small abode, and .... I've said too much. I don't know why I only decided to wear two layers of poly pro, a fleece jacket, vest and shell, when I had the damn down jacket hanging right there... Could have used it, did I mention it was a few below zero? OK, back to the scene, the Zoo is small, and animals need a lot more space, but that is another argument so I will save it....

Waiting aroud for the photographer (master of his craft) to show up the workers take us over to the Musk Ox... We all stand around side its fencing and for the most part it's a very magestic cooperative animal... More and more minutes go by getting colder and the photo guy shows up. I hate to be an ass, but if you can't show up on time, you are going to have one heck of a time convincing me I should devote my full and undevided attention to you. None the less I ignored the lack of feeling in my feet (should have worn the boots) and played interested student. We talked about basic photography for the first half hour and then I couldn't take it any more. I walked right over to that Musk Ox and shot him... Not satisfied I shot the mother and baby too. I couldn't help myself, I unloaded countless shots of them the moose, and even some of the people.... I was out of control, the cold must have got to me... "Is there something you need help with?" asked the photo guy... "uh, no errrr I was just, trying to see under this fence for a different angle..." - my only reply... But I knew he was on to my ploy, he knew his words were no match for my arsenal of Nikon equiptment, he even pleaded that we were on the same team, but I kept shooting anyway... My experience with that mastermind ended in the Moose Corral, where I got to be as close to a moose as I would ever want to be. Even got to pat it's snoot... Nostrals larger than my cheek I decided to move away with my leaf colored hat and malicious demeanor... This bull may be strong, but once he was all set in my line of site, I'd shoot him too... When it was all said and done, I bowed my respect to the animals for being so patient and cooperative through out the melee of shutters clicking every 250th of a second or so... You honestly thought I was talking about offing animals...? In a Zoo? C'mon!!! Sorry, it's late... But the story gets better... keep reading... really...

Not impressed with the trip to the Zoo I returned to the my abode at APU only to leave right away again and head off to REI' s super-huge, better- prices- than- anywhere-else spring blow out. I will spare you the details of that though. Ridding the bus was fun... Using some tyme to collect my thoughts on this next section is even better...

Nite Lites:
After realizing that it wasn't getting any warmer Austin and I decided to head out to Earthquake park and shoot some photos of the city, as it was all lit up and what have you. Clouds moved in, giving the sky an orange picturesque glow... However my creativity was turned off, especially after all that shooting this morning... Man Alive. Ok, so I wasn't in the photo groove, trying to make things work, then got to playing around with my head lamp in front of the camera... All the while really wishing I would have picked up some of those nice toasty mittens on sale earlier at REI... Damn I mentioned that again. Anyway, so I am there with the camera... Austin returns... "do you see that white part on my tripod?" he questions... "I really hope this isn't going where I think it is..." I think to myself... "Uh, no, well let me shine the light on it... Yeah I see it." my hesitant reply... I looked at what appeared to be a small football shaped piece of white something stuck to his tripod... Almost like the tip of a... what's the word? Its right at the end of my... oh yeah TOUNGE!!! "Yeah, had this idea, I wanted to see if it would stick," was his only defense. I know the guy's from Georgia, but I have confirmed it, Christmas Story confirmed it, you can even try it yourself with an ice cube sans the consequences.... But hey, you gotta experience everything (within reason) once right? However in this case I would say, in this case the statement "I can get a mighty fine look at a T-bone, by sticking my head up a Bull's Arse, I'd much rather take the Butcher's word for it..." (Tommy Callahan, Callahan Tires) May ring true, there are somethings you don't need to try to know how they'll end up.

Well that's the story for now... You keep being you, and I'll keep looking for me... Tomorrow is all about avalanche awareness... Stay tuned...

May your feet carry you well on your journey...

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