Sunday, March 20, 2005

Liberation of Spring?


That delicious time of year that drives young adults everywhere CRAZY…. SPRING BREAK 2005!!! PARTY!? So unlike the majority of folks on MTV’s exploitation of youngsters in tropical places, I traded those ambitions for a journey 211 miles from the mighty city of Los Anchorage to the place where the Land meets the Sea…

Not to be a cynical person, but there are a lot of COASTAL cities around, but rest assured Homer AK, is THE place, mark it, where the land meets the sea. Ok, I’ll stop. Drive in was grand, becoming more and more impressive the further away from Anchorage we got. As dusk fell over the land I almost felt as though I were driving in the Northern region of Wisconsin, after we cleared the mountains that is. Maybe I was still rolling strong from the sweet day of skiing at Alyeska, or the fact that Alaska is DAMN BEAUTIFUL…

Overall impression rates Homer as a fairly swank town (in the my opinionated view anyhow). Cool little art/music scene, delicious bagels and salmon products, if you are into that. (I am all about it in case you were wondering) Although I wasn’t fit for posing in Tropicana commercials with scantly dressed youngsters, I did get to log copious miles of beach walking along the ocean… Well Kachemak Bay, but it still was as impressive as one could expect. The mountains, geology, water (salty), and company all impressive, cool place, cool day, cool times…

Unfortunately the photos can’t do true justice, but I try. Well I’d love to rave more, but there is some mad powder falling north in the mountains meaning, there’s a good chance that’s where I’ll be at….shortly…

Hope your weather is bountiful and glorious…


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