Patagonia Patrol Pant
34" waist
Mountain Khaki
Original Mountain Pant
GREAT condition
The O.G. mountain pant from MK. Worn twice, stored too long, seem to have a mark from something in storage, but I'll give a good scrub prior to shipping. Traveled around with these more than I've worn them. $25 shipped
KAVU coveralls
Do you like to work on stuff and keep your clothes clean? Have you longed for a coverall that is styling? Look no further! Kavu canvas coveralls will do the trick. This lightly loved coveralls need a new home b/c they are just too big for their previous one. Solid force 10 type material (kavu lingo) with a smattering of pockets for all your crafty needs. Provided you shred in dry pow these could make an EPIC onesy, especially if you snow sealed the whole bit. $75 shipped